Canadian Bugs
An assortment of interesting bugs from north of the border.
(Click on the pictures below to see larger versions of the photo)
The Xograph, made by Rolph Brown, Toronto in the early 1920s. The Xograph base measured 2 7/8" wide, a little wider than a Vibroplex Blue Racer.
Wilcox Bugs
Fred Wilcox used to work for Rolph Brown (of Xograph fame) as a machinist. Later he went into business making his own bugs. Wilcox bugs had very thick, heavy bases and many had unique variations to the orginal design, as can be seen from the pictures above. Some of his keys had his name stamped into the key in multiple places.
Maple Leaf Bug
Don't know the maker of this key, but people often refer to it as the "Maple Leaf Bug" because of the decal on the base.
Wilson Bug
Also called the "Upside Down Bug" because it can be turned upside down and used as a left-handed bug !
Radio-Aid Bug
There's been some discussion about where this bug is actually from. Some think it's British, others American, I think it might be Canadian.
Canadian Autoplex
Made by R.W. Steele, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Currie Bug
Canadian bug made by A.E. Currie, Ottawa Ontario
Batwing Bug
Still trying to find out who made this key. If you know anything about it, please contact me.
Unknown Canadian Bug
Several of these keys have been found. They could possibly be made by F.A. Wilcox, judging by the thick heavy base. If anyone knows who the maker is, please let me know.